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Childminding Groups in Wales Information Pack

Childminding Groups in Wales Information Pack

Product code: CGWALES

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PACEY Cymru identified a need to support those looking to form childminding groups in their local area and has produced guidance for anyone who is thinking of setting up a group.

Childminding groups can vary in many different ways, and come in lots of shapes and sizes. Some groups are very relaxed and only meet up occasionally in their spare evenings, some meet up during the day to have a catch-up and allow their minded children to socialise, and some groups are more formal.  Formal groups may agree a group constitution and this may allow them to apply for more funding options. Having a regular funding stream will benefit your group in various ways, from securing and paying venue costs, to buying new equipment and toys, refreshments and arranging outings for the group. Find out more in the attached guide.