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Working with babies

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"Babies! What a wonderful way to start people!"

Mary Engelbriet

This video looks at supporting children with their speech, language and communication development. Created in response to requests from PACEY members, the film explores the importance of positive interaction with babies and working with parents to provide a secure and enabling childcare environment.

Whether you have babies in your setting right now, or have yet to care for your first infant, the film will help you reflect on your practice and suggest practice development areas.

Reflecting on your practice

It is helpful to keep a CPD log recording what you have done, when you did it, why you did it, what you learnt, and the impact it has had on your work and the well-being, learning and development of the children in your care. Think about how you would explain the impact the CPD has had for you to a parent, a student, an inspector, or a visitor to your setting.  

Head over to CEY smart where you can find a free editable CPD log. 

Remember CPD is not just about attending a training course. It can be visiting another setting, reading a relevant book, publication, or blog; attending a webinar; researching a relevant topic; taking part in discussions with peers or taking part in on line learning.  

The videos we make, like this one, for example, are based on member feedback. Please do let us know what topics you'd like to see covered.